A Cavalcade of Stirring Oratory, Extraordinary Exploits, Humorous Songs and Unlikely Stories

Beware. Mothers, take your children off the street. Lock up the sharp implements and household pets and hide under the rug. The legendary Reverend Chumleigh and songwriter/humorist Thaddeus Spae are coming to town on Saturday March 9th, 3 and 7 PM, at the Chameleon Theater, 800 W Park in Port Townsend.

The redoubtable duo, lifelong friends and fellow veterans of the Vaudeville Wars, stun and inspire audiences to revelry with an alternately baffling and hilarious program of unreliable narrative, cheap (but dangerous!) tricks, and multi-instrumental derring-do, with heaping helpings of politics, religion, social commentary, and the darker side of sausage manufacture. Chumleigh displays his uncanny mastery of mystic powers, rib-splitting bon mots and the rubber chicken, while Thaddeus performs ditties such as "Misery Loves Company (And That's Why I Love You)" on a lurid assortment of musical instruments, many of them legitimate, as well as accompanying the good Reverend's hijinks as the one-man incarnation of the TB Pitts Memorial Orchestra.

Two shows will be presented: a matinee for the refined and pure-minded (although children are also invited to attend) and an evening extravaganza such as has never yet been seen in this location (and won't be if enough tickets don't sell). Seating is limited and reservations are encouraged. Tickets are $15, available through Brown Paper Tickets ( and at the box office.

The oft-imitated but never equaled Reverend Chumleigh, lured from genteel retirement in his impenetrable fortress on Camano Island by the prospect of a two-figure payday, is described by Jerry Mousawad of Portland's Imago Theater as "... rival[ing] Spaulding Gray as a story teller, punctuated by unbelievably silly stunts," by Joe Adcock of the Seattle PI as "A man who can seemingly do anything," and by U. Utah Philips as "The Godfather of West Coast New Vaudeville." His one-man shows "Beyond Cute and Ugly" and "A Cure For The World" have been presented at major theaters nationwide.

Thaddeus Spae, ever in search of new markets for his premium quality organic corn-fed musical brain candy, has been variously depicted as "...something different..." (ABC Weekend News), "[A] unique talent..." (Serni Solidarios, University of Puget Sound) and "...scary" (The Stranger) (and they should know). His compositions have been heard on NPR, Showtime cable television and Broadway, choreographed by the Paul Taylor Dance Troupe, and recorded for broadcast by the BBC.

Information: Thaddeus Spae     206.436.9121